3/05 - 6/06 Evangel Temple Assembly of God, Longview, TX
5/04 - 5/04 Interim Pastor: preaching, teaching, and pastoral duties
10/99 - First Assembly of God, Longview, TX
Elder, adult education committee member, teacher
4/01 - 6/01 First Assembly of God, Carthage, TX
1/99 - 4/99 Interim Pastor: preaching, teaching, and pastoral duties
4/81 - 8/85 First Assembly of God, Warren, OH
Assistant Pastor: Coordinated youth programs and family support programs for over 180 teenagers and their families, along with other management, public relations, and counseling-related duties
3/79 - 3/81 Carbondale Assembly of God, Tulsa, OK
2/79 - 10/79 Business Manager, Cone-Lewis Printing Company, Tulsa, OK